Temu Australia’s ‘toxic’ T-shirts slammed by domestic violence advocates

Temu Australia's 'toxic' T shirts slammed by domestic violence advocates

Temu Australia Removes “Toxic” T-Shirt After Uproar

Online shopping platform Temu Australia has removed a T-shirt bearing the slogan “I never argue. I just explain why I’m right” following widespread criticism that it trivializes and perpetuates harmful attitudes towards women. The shirt’s message, which many deemed arrogant and dismissive, sparked outrage among domestic violence survivors and advocates.

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Temu Australia's 'toxic' T shirts slammed by domestic violence advocates (2)
Temu Australia’s ‘toxic’ T shirts slammed by domestic violence advocates

Emma, a domestic violence survivor, expressed her dismay at the insensitive messaging, stating that such “aggressive and toxic” rhetoric only serves to normalize male entitlement and control.

Melissa Perry, CEO of domestic violence support service White Ribbon Australia, emphasized the potentially triggering nature of the slogan, particularly for those who have experienced domestic violence or controlling relationships.

In response to the backlash, Temu Australia swiftly removed the T-shirt from its website, acknowledging that its team was unaware of the harmful implications of the slogan. However, the shirt remains available for purchase on the platform, raising concerns about the company’s commitment to addressing gender-based violence.

Perry highlighted the urgent need for men to take proactive steps in preventing violence against women, emphasizing that simply “not being an offender” is not enough. She urged men to educate themselves, speak out against harmful attitudes, and promote consent and respect.

As the festive season approaches, White Ribbon Australia warns of a potential spike in domestic violence incidents, driven by factors such as financial strain and increased substance abuse. The organization encourages Aussies to play an active role in reducing domestic violence by educating themselves, advocating for change, and promoting responsible online behavior.

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