‘Lewiston Strong:’ Maine business helps raise $200,000 for families affected by mass shootings

'Lewiston Strong' Maine business helps raise $200,000 for families affected by mass shootings

Amidst Maine‘s darkest hour, a beacon of resilience and compassion has emerged from the depths of tragedy. In the aftermath of the devastating mass shootings in Lewiston, which claimed the lives of 18 innocent souls, a movement of solidarity and hope has taken root, embodied by the simple yet powerful phrase “Lewiston Strong.”

In the face of unspeakable loss, Mark Rodrigue, owner of Rogue Life Maine Rogue Wear, found solace in offering a helping hand. With an unwavering spirit, he spearheaded a grassroots initiative to uplift the community and provide support to those affected by the tragedy.

His inspiration materialized in the form of “Lewiston Strong” T-shirts, a tangible symbol of unity and strength. Initially ordering a modest 300 shirts, Rodrigue was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, with the entire stock selling out within a single weekend.

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'Lewiston Strong' Maine business helps raise $200,000 for families affected by mass shootings (2)
‘Lewiston Strong’ Maine business helps raise $200,000 for families affected by mass shootings

Since then, the “Lewiston Strong” campaign has flourished, encompassing a range of merchandise, including sweatshirts, hats, and tote bags. The proceeds from these sales have skyrocketed, generating close to $200,000 to aid the families impacted by the tragedy.

Rodrigue’s unwavering dedication has ignited a flame of hope within the community. He attributes the success of the initiative to the collective spirit of Mainers, who have responded with heartfelt generosity and unwavering support.

The “Lewiston Strong” movement serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a community united in resilience. It is a beacon of light amidst the darkness, a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable adversity, hope and compassion can prevail.

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