Robert Crimo Jr. threatened with contempt for showing up for jail sentence wearing I’m a political pawn T-shirt

Robert Crimo Jr. wearing I’m a political pawn T shirt

Highland Park Parade Massacre Suspect’s Father Jailed, Defies Court Order with T-Shirt Stunt

Robert Crimo Jr., the father of the accused Highland Park parade massacre suspect, Robert Crimo III, has begun his 60-day jail sentence, but not without stirring up more controversy. Arriving at the Lake County Courthouse on Wednesday, Crimo Jr. flagrantly disregarded Judge George Strickland’s decorum rules by wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “I’m a political pawn.” The back of the shirt read “Laws, facts, reality.”

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Robert Crimo Jr I'm A Political Pawn Shirt 6 1
Robert Crimo Jr. I’m a political pawn T-shirt

Crimo Jr.‘s defiant act prompted a stern rebuke from Judge Strickland, who reminded him of the court’s rules and threatened him with contempt of court if he broke them again. Initially, Crimo Jr. appeared defiant, even admitting that he hadn’t read the rules. However, after being escorted to a back room by a sheriff’s deputy, he turned his shirt inside out.

The incident highlights the deep divisions surrounding the tragic shooting and the ongoing legal proceedings. Crimo Jr.’s actions suggest a lack of remorse and a willingness to exploit the situation for his own purposes. State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart expressed his disappointment, stating that Crimo Jr.’s behavior raises questions about his understanding of the gravity of his actions and the pain he has caused.

Crimo Jr.’s decision to accept a plea deal last week, sparing him from a potential three-year sentence, suggests a desire to avoid a trial that could bring further scrutiny to his role in his son’s acquisition of a gun ownership card. His son, Robert Crimo III, is set to appear in court in December, when a judge is expected to set a trial date.

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