The Strike Is Working: The UAW Just Scored a Major Concession


United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain Announces Major Progress in Strike Against Big Three Automakers

In a major victory for the United Auto Workers (UAW), President Shawn Fain announced on Friday afternoon that General Motors has agreed to put electric-vehicle battery plants under its master agreement with the union. This is a major step towards ensuring that the transition to EVs does not undermine union power at Ford, GM, and Stellantis.

The UAW had been on the verge of shutting down a GM plant in Arlington, Texas, but Fain said that the union is now making significant progress in negotiations with all three automakers. Ford has offered to boost pay by 23 percent over the course of the four-year contract, and Stellantis has agreed to reinstate the cost-of-living adjustments that workers gave up to help the Big Three survive the Great Recession.

Fain pushed back against the companies’ attempts to portray him as a showman, saying that the union is “strategic” and that they “know what it’s like to strike for the hell of it.” He also made it clear that his disdain for the rich has not been affected by the recent concessions.

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The UAW’s progress in negotiations is a major victory for workers in the auto industry. The union has been fighting for years to ensure that workers benefit from the transition to electric vehicles, and this agreement is a significant step in that direction.

Fain’s speech was also a powerful reminder of the union’s commitment to its members. He made it clear that the UAW is willing to strike to achieve its goals, and that he is not afraid to challenge the power of the wealthy.

The outcome of the strike is still uncertain, but the UAW has made significant progress in recent weeks. Workers at Ford, GM, and Stellantis are in a strong position to negotiate a fair contract that protects their jobs and benefits.

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