World of Warcraft director teases Asmongold with What sword t-shirt

Warcraft director teases Asmongold with What sword t shirt

As the Sword of Sargeras looms large in World of Warcraft: The War Within, director Ion Hazzikostas has a little fun with Asmongold and the community.

The Sword of Sargeras, a colossal weapon plunged into Azeroth by the eponymous titan during the Shadows of Argus campaign in World of Warcraft: Legion, has become a long-running meme among the WoW community. For six years, there has been almost no mention of the gargantuan blade buried in the planet’s surface, despite being the game’s largest non-natural landmark.

Asmongold, one of the biggest World of Warcraft Twitch streamers, started joking with his audience that the Blizzard team had forgotten the sword existed. This led to an April 2022 interview between Asmongold and World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, where Asmongold brought up the sword. Hazzikostas, clearly aware of the joke, simply replied, “What sword?”

At Blizzcon 2023, Blizzard finally addressed the Sword of Sargeras. Signs around the foot of a giant statue of the sword read, “What sword?” Then, during the announcement of World of Warcraft’s next major story arc, The Worldsoul Saga, Thrall concluded, “That sword, was aimed at someone.”

Game director Ion Hazzikostas had one final laugh in mind. Coming out to speak in more detail about the expansion, it was revealed that he was wearing a “What Sword” t-shirt emblazoned with a graphic of the towering blade. Asmongold broke out into a broad smile and said, “No way, Dude, I have to get that. Oh my god.”

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What Sword Shirt

It’s good to see that Blizzard is finally addressing the long-running plot point. The WoW story has often struggled with feeling like the world around you only progresses when your character is directly involved, and it seemed strange that we’ve gone for so long without ever so much as addressing the sword. At long last, it seems we’re about to get some answers.

If you’re eager to jump back into World of Warcraft, make sure to install the best WoW addons first and take a look at the WoW Dragonflight tier list to see where the class meta is at. You can also read about the new and improved version of Cataclysm coming to WoW Classic, which aims to offer a fresh take on the world-shattering expansion.

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